Chrissie Infinity, Founder of Times Infinity

With a diverse background in sales and running a successful boutique business, Chrissie’s brand rose to popularity due to her witty social media marketing tactics.

In November 2019, Chrissie made a casual leap into the world of streaming, looking to promote her business and to engage in light-hearted entertainment. Unaware she would rise to popularity, she took on the alias TheOnlyInfinity.

Leveraging her experience as a former Celebrity Makeup Artist for the past eight years, she understood the significance of consistently presenting oneself in the best possible light in order to attract and cultivate the right opportunities. She’s skillfully cultivated a strong presence on popular streaming platforms like BIGO Live, forging a pathway to establish a reliable source of income as a micro-influencer.

Today, Chrissie takes on the role as virtual image consultant to up and coming creators and assists streamers in amplifying their presence in the virtual world, empowering them to realize the potential for profitability irrespective of the scale of their following.

When she isn't consulting creators and shipping out orders for her business, you can catch Chrissie globetrotting, perfecting her billiards game, adding to her vinyl collection, or indulging in her foodie fantasies.