TIMES INFINITY was established in August of 2022. We offer comprehensive guidance and support to facilitate growth and maximize earnings for our creators. We have established partnerships with numerous popular streaming platforms, enabling us to provide a streamlined experience. Our agency allows creators to concentrate on producing outstanding content while we take care of the business aspect of things.

Our network encompasses a wide range of digital talent. From celebrities to social media influencers; They stream everything from podcast style shows, music, art, fitness, gaming, and more. We strive to create an environment that fosters a growth mindset, enabling aspiring talents to showcase their unique abilities. Our mission is to expand our network of skilled professionals who utilize their versatility, openness, and virtuosity to push their talents in new and unexpected directions.

At Times Infinity, we're all about giving folks the spotlight they deserve. We team up with our talented bunch to sharpen their skills and find their own special flair. We're all about teamwork and cooking up content that's captivating, uplifting and mind-bending.

We believe that by creating a safe space for our talents to express themselves, we can help foster a community of creatives who inspire and uplift one another. We are passionate about what we do and are committed to helping our talents achieve their goals. Whether you are an aspiring artist, musician, or influencer, we are here to help you take your career to the next level. Join our community today and let us help you unlock your infinite potential.


With a diverse background in Sales, Business and Makeup Artistry, Chrissie understood the significance of consistently presenting oneself in the best possible light. Chrissie has skillfully cultivated a strong presence on popular streaming platforms like BIGO Live, forging a pathway to establish a reliable source of income as a micro-influencer. Today, Chrissie actively assists fellow streamers in amplifying their presence in the virtual world, empowering them to realize the potential for profitability irrespective of the scale of their following. Read more >>