How to Become A Top Broadcaster on BIGO Live in 2023

Since its inception in 2016, BIGO Live has skyrocketed to becoming one of the trendiest and most popular live streaming platforms. So, you’ve downloaded Bigo Live and started to live stream every day. Initially, you may not really care about how many people follow you, but now you do.

In this post, we’re going to take you through 9 key tips that will help you kickstart your growth on Bigo Live.

How to maximize your chances of success on BIGO.

1. Have an Appealing Profile

Your profile picture will largely determine whether a newcomer will click on your live stream and be a potential fan as well. So choose a photo that you think is the most confident and good-looking one. Don’t be too formal. A sweet smile from your daily life, your personal album, or a wonderful moment from a trip are all good choices. 

The same, your profile introduction is just like your business card. Enrich your information so that your followers would know more about you.

2. Find Your Positioning

When you start streaming on Bigo Live, it’s a good idea to find out what you’re best at and show the audience your strengths. Playing musical instruments, singing, dancing, chatting, or playing games, you can do whatever you want, as long as you can enrich your live broadcast content. When you make the majority of your audience feel amusing and engaging, they are mostly willing to stay or even follow you, then you’re one step closer to success.

3.  Use High-Quality Streaming Equipment

Now, let’s talk about the tech part of live streaming. You need your viewers to hear and see you communicate with them. Because of this, it’s important that you invest in a good camera, a nice microphone, and a stable internet connection.

4. Stream Consistently and Frequently

If you want to gain a loyal following, then you need to stick to a frequent and consistent schedule.

It’s simple, it’s easy, and it’s the single best way of letting your audience know when they can tune in to watch you. Creating a schedule and sharing it with your viewers is a great way to promote trust and encourage regular viewing.

When creating a schedule, it’s a good idea to include what you’ll be playing as well as when you’ll be playing. 

5. Perceive The Live Streaming Skills

  • Make sure you look confident on camera。

  • Pay attention to your body language and facial expression management, and be careful not to offend the audience.

  • A quiet live broadcast room with a simple background will give the audience a comfortable viewing experience. For example, you can decorate your room appropriately with some neon lights.

  • Make-up is necessary to show your respect, choose the makeup that suits your style.

6. Engage with Your Followers

Viewers aren’t just coming to watch your stream, they’re coming to get to know you and chat with others in your audience. Interacting with your audience is one of the best ways for you to earn followers and keep viewers coming back to your stream for more.

Some great ways to start your interactions are by welcoming new viewers when they come into your live room, thanking new followers, answering any questions, responding to any comments, and thanking those who send you virtual gifts. You should also encourage your viewers to comment, share and follow.

7. Engage with Other Streamers

Whether it’s by commenting, following or sending gifts to other stammers on Bigo Live, engaging with other people similar to you is a great way of getting more followers.

Aside from these, Bigo Live has many features that allow you to collocate with other streamers. For example, you can invite other streamers to co-host a live with you, PK with other streamers to make the live streaming more exciting and attractive, or set up a multi-guest live room to have a party.

What’s more, you can join a Family on Bigo Live to get more support from other streamers.  

8. Promote Yourself On Social Media

Your success as a streamer doesn’t just depend on what you do on Bigo Live. Your activity across other social media platforms also plays a vital role in the growth of your followers.

When you’re a new streamer on Bigo Live, you’ll need to find ways to get your name out there and attract the attention of your target audience. One of the best ways you can do this is by cross-promoting your live room on social media and relevant forums. You can also reuse your live streams on other platforms.

9. Don’t Give Up

If you haven’t gotten thousands of followers on Bigo Live in the first few weeks, don’t give up straight away. Rome wasn’t built in a day so be patient, keep up with your niche content, go live every day, improve your live streaming skills, and slowly but surely, your followers will increase. 


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